Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Art, Craft, Junk....

Yesterday there was an intense discussion in the web's stratosphere on the subject of art, craft and junk.
Diverse opinions were offered - relevant, to the point, all honest views presented by Artists trying to balance the highs and lows of eternally sublime and corporeally business.
Of course there was some usual noise not related to the subject matter. One would call it intellectual debris of questionable intent proliferated by the “see my websiters”

Otherwise it was one of the more useful exchanges in a long time.

If I were a note taker for the meeting, my minutes would look something like this:

a) Initial point: too much junk on our website drowns out the quality
b) Variation on the point: Art is subjective but craft is craft – no ifs no buts
c) Another variation on the point: If everyone is thought of peculiar and talented in his/her own right who could suggest that the art he/she produces is not… it.
d) Death of the discussion as it deteriorated into who says "s??t" lauder contest.

Overall rating - time well spent… 3 and ½ stars……
Would recommend it to a friend…. Yes.

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