Wednesday, April 22, 2009


What can be said about Artist’s inspiration?
Nothing is more susceptible to the bumps in the road of life.
You are cruising along. No warning.
Over sudden something indefinable descends like fog at the top of the narrow serpentine road above Andalusia, hiding the tenuous edge that marks the beginning of the abyss …
It is the fog of hesitation, doubt and self reassessment that paralyzes your senses.
Sounds familiar?
And then the next bump and the fog is dispersed like a bad dream in the wake of the dawn.
What was it you ask? Where did it come from and where did it go?
I think it did not come from outside and it never left.
It is always in you, with you, a part of you. It is an integral component of Artist’s nature – for better of for worse. You just have to find a cure fast and get back on a road.
This time the sale of the “Horse” had been that cure.
What will it be next time around?

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